Personal Profile

Courses Taught-
- UG English Honors Course -HC1016: Indian Classical Literature.
- UG English Honors Course -HC 2026: British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries
- UG English Honors Course -HC3026: Popular Literature.
- UG English Honors Course –C-9: British Romantic Literature
- UG English Honors Course –DSE-2 Literary Criticism
- UG English Honors Course -HC 6026: Postcolonial Literature
- UG English Honors Course-C-5 American Literature
- UG SEC Regular Course: Eng 604R: Technical Writing
- UG English Major Course: MAJ1014: British Poetry & Drama
- UG English Minor Course: MIN1014: History of English Literature-I
Other Responsibilities
- Assistant Coordinator, IQAC, Udalguri College, Udalguri (2nd Cycle of NAAC Assessment).
- Coordinator, IQAC, Udalguri College, Udalguri (For 3rd Cycle of NAAC Assessment).
- Member: Academic Cell, Udalguri College.
- Member, ICT Cell, Udalguri College, Udalguri
- Member, Admission Module in Samarth, Udalguri College, Udalguri.
- Member, Udalguri College Incubation Cell
- Member, Website Management Group, Udalguri College, Udalguri.
- Resource Person on the Webinar on Orality & Archaeology organized by the Dept. of History, Udalguri College (Date 23/02/2022).
- Resource Person: Workshop on Capacity Building for Teaching Staff of KGBVs (30/11/2022) organized by Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, Udalguri.
- Resource Person: Coaching for SSC Examination organized by the Career Guidance & Counselling Cell, Udalguri College, Udalguri (16th to 20th Dec 2022).
- Coordinator: UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Bio-Diversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in N.E. Region of India, 18 & 19 June, 2015, Organised by Udalguri College, Udalguri, Assam
- Secretary, Organising Committee for National Workshop on NEP 2020 with Special Reference to NAAC Assessment and Accreditation, Conducted by Udalguri College, Udalguri.
- Nodal Officer for District level Run-up to Y 20 Celebration at Udalguri College, Udalguri.
- Assistant Officer-in Charge: Exam Cell: 2016-2018
- Assistant Zonal Officer-in Charge, Udalguri College Zone (GU): 2019.
- Assistant Zonal Officer-in Charge, Udalguri College Zone (AHSEC): 2020.
- Member of Association for English Literary Studies, Maharashtra, India.
Anjan Upadhyay
Assistant ProfessoR
Dr. Anjan Upadhyay joined the Udalguri College as a Lecturer in 2001 as a non-sanctioned teacher attached to the additional Science Stream of the College (sanctioned in 2021 along with the rest of teachers of the Science Stream). Since then, he has been rendering classes for UG Honors and Regular Courses. His area of specialization is Literature in English from the Indian Sub-continent. Along with it he has been teaching Literature (from across the globe), Literary Criticism, English Communication and Popular Literature.
- HSLC: Affiliated Board-Board of Secondary Education Assam, Affiliated School: School: Sacred Heart School, Udalguri. (1994)
Affiliated Council: Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Affiliated
College: Darrang College, Tezpur (1996)BA:
Affiliated University: Gauhati University, Affiliated College: Darrang College,
Tezpur (1999)MA, Pune University (2001)
Other Qualification
- Ph.D. (2022)
Professional courses
- FIP-16 Faculty Induction Programme, 24th Feb 2023 to 28th March 2023Conducted by UGC HRDC, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand.
2. FDP on Research Methodology & Preparing a High Impact Research Paper. From 1-6 , Nov. 2022 Organised by IQAC, Swahid Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Belso, Assam
3. Week FDP on Presentation Skills Conducted by ICT Academy at Udalguri College From 10 Feb, 2023.
22+ Years of teaching experience
- A Comparative Study on the Empowerment of Women in Assam and Issues related to its Mitigation with Special Reference to Udalguri District of BTC, Assam., Published by Dhekiajuli College, Dhekiajuli, ISBN:
- Bio-Diversity. its Relation to Folk-life and Sustainable Development with Special Reference to N.E. India, Published by the Publication Cell, Udalguri College, Udalguri, ISBN-978-93-5254-228-4
- Deciphering the Folk Songs in Selected Novels of Dr Mamoni Raisom Goswami, Budhidrum Vol-IV, 2021, Published by Cinnamara College Publication, Kavyakshetra, Cinnamara, Jorhat ISSN: 2348-950X).
- Decoding Folk Tales in Selected Novels of Mamoni Raisom Goswami, Frame, Volume-II:Issue-I, Published by Sanjib Jyoti Haloi, Kazaringa Printing House, Guwahati, ISBN: 978-81-953307-3-7.
- Magical Beliefs as Projected in the Novels of Mamoni Raisom Goswami, IJRAR October 2021, Volume 8, Issue 4 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138).
Seminars & Workshop
- Regional Workshop on New Procedures of NAAC Assessment organized by KBRD College, Orang in Collaboration with College Development Council (Gauhati University (01/03/2014)
- Training Cum Sensitization workshop organized by the AISHE Cell, Gauhati University, Guwahati (Date: 12/02/2016).
- International Seminar Paper Presentation on: The Contextual Reality of Indigenous Tribal People Today: Articulating the Concrete Condition within, A Case Study of Bodo Tribals living in B.T.C., Theme: Indian State and Indigenous Tribal People-Revisiting Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Guarantees organized by Bodoland University in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Tribal Intellectual Collective India (Date 28th & 29th March 2014).
- International Seminar Paper Presentation: Witch Hunting and the Subjugation of Women, ICSSR sponsored International Seminar on Women Empowerment: Issues and Challenges organized by the Dept. of Economics & the IQAC, Gossaigaon College. (4th, 5th & 6th Feb 2015).
- International Seminar Paper Presentation: Haba Methani of Bodos and Biya Naam of Assamese: A Comparative Study, on the Theme Asom Vidya organized by the MIL & Literary Studies, Gauhati University & North East India Network for Academic Discourse (NEINAD) (26th & 27th Feb 2016).
- National Seminar Paper Presentation on Self Help Group as an Agency for Women Empowerment, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Panchayati Raj as an Institution for Empowering Women of India with Special Reference to Assam (19th & 20th Sept 2014).
- National Seminar Paper Presentation: A Comparative Study on the Empowerment of Women in Assam and Issues Related to its Mitigation with Special Reference to Udalguri District of BTC, Assam, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the theme Empowering Women Workers in North Eastern India Challenges of Influx and Exodus organized by the Women Cell Dhekiajuli College in collaboration with Sodou Asom Lekhika Samaroh Samiti (Date 7th & 8th Feb 2014).
- National Seminar Paper Presentation: UGC Sponsored National Seminar presented on the theme Health Hazards due to Pesticides, organized by Department of Chemistry, Science College, Kokrajhar (Date:10th March 2014).
- National Seminar Paper Presentation: Modern Assamese Society, Literature and Lakhi Nath Bezbaruah’s Role as a Social Reformer, Theme: Modern Assamese Society, Literature and Bezbaruah organized by the Centre for Assamese Studies, Tezpur University (Date: 3rd & 4th April 2014).
- National Seminar Paper Presentation: Contribution of Assamese Writers to Indian English Literature, UGC Sponsered National Seminar on Place of Assam in Indian Society, Culture and Economy organized by Dakshin Kamrup Girls’ College, Mirza (Date: 2nd & 3rd July 2014).
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar Paper Presentation: Immigration Ethnic Identity and Crisis in Assam, Theme: Illegal Immigration in North East India and Issue of Identity Crisis of Ethnic Groups with special reference to Assam organized by Dept. of Political Science, Chhaygaon College, Chhaygaon in collaboration with the ACTA.
22-12-2001 ( Sanctioned 01-01-2021)